New £2M Algal Solutions for Local Energy Economy (ASLEE) Project!
Xanthella Ltd are very pleased to announce the start of a new pioneering project to bring new industry to rural areas of Scotland using renewable energy to produce high value algal products – whilst providing a grid balancing service which can overcome the problems of intermittent renewable power generation.
The £2M, two-year project is led by Xanthella and will be in partnership with ALIenergy, VCharge, University of the West of Scotland, FAI Aquaculture, SgurrEnergy, Woodland Renewables and the University of Stirling’s Marine Environment Research Laboratory at Machrihanish.
The project is one of nine chosen this year for funding by the Scottish Government’s Local Energy Challenge Fund, administered by Local Energy Scotland.
Representatives from the partner organisations and Local Energy Scotland gathered for a kick off meeting at Xanthella’s offices at Malin House, Dunstaffnage, near Oban, on Friday 3rd June