ASLEE partner ALIenergy succeeded in putting forward Oban as one of four local communities in the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) area which have been selected through the COBEN (Community Benefits in Civic Energy) project, funded by Interreg North Sea Region Programme, for the development and implementation of a pilot Local Energy Plan.
Work is underway investigating Oban’s energy supply, demand and future potential, including all aspects of electricity, heat and transport.
ALIenergy is currently carrying out community engagement work for this project in Oban to enable all sectors of the local community to participate. Residents can visit the interactive display in Oban Library to have their say and sign up for the virtual focus groups. When completed later this year the Local Energy Plan will form a springboard for local energy projects – aiming for an integrated, whole systems approach as outlined in the Scottish Government’s recently produced Energy Strategy, with maximum local benefit.
For further information go to: https://www.localenergy.scot/coben and https://civic-energy.eu/
Check ALIenergy’s Facebook page for up and coming COBEN events.