Dr Douglas McKenzie, CE of ENBIO partner Xanthella, has been invited to speak at the Scottish Resources Conference in Edinburgh on 4th October. Dr McKenzie will be part of an expert panel in the Circular Economy Scottish Business Innovations interactive workshops taking place on the second day of the conference.
Circular Economy Scottish Business Innovations
The Circular Economy movement is gaining global momentum; hear from leading innovative Scottish businesses who are transforming business models and modifying supply chains to reshape waste management and recycling approaches.
Facilitator: Doug Morwood, CEO, Whole Earth Futures
Dr Douglas McKenzie, Chief Executive, Xanthella
Saskia Goere, Founder, Sofa for Life
Scott Kennedy, Co-Founder of Revive-Eco Ltd.
The conference is Scotland’s largest event for those involved in sustainability, and resource and waste management. This year’s conference focuses on the range of people, practices and policies which are fundamentally changing the ways resources are managed in Scotland. The event, hosted by Sally Magnusson, is taking place on the 3rd and 4th October at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre and includes a ministerial keynote address from Roseanna Cunningham MSP.
Click here for full programme details.
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