Xanthella have announced the launch of a new version of their easy-to-use and highly flexible microPharos PBR™ photobioreactor system, the cryoPharos PBR™. Not only is the cryoPharos PBR™ ideal for conducting laboratory scale research experiments on a wide range of photosynthetic organisms, this new PBR has been specifically designed to grow organisms that require low temperatures (for example arctic microalgae). The cryoPharos PBR™ is capable of reaching temperatures lower than 0°C even when it is installed on your lab bench at room temperature. No need for a cold room anymore!
A starter cryoPharos PBR™ system consists of two airlift 1000 ml tanks illuminated by external LED light tiles, along with a Zeus II Controller™ unit that measures and maintains the culture conditions in the tanks according to user-defined specifications.
The different components that make up the cryoPharos PBR™ are very easy to assemble thanks to the clever magnetic fixing design. Within the tanks the amount of light provided to the culture can be accurately measured as the side walls of the tanks are flat resulting in a simple light path of 5cm. The system also includes all the equipment necessary to manage temperature, pH and gas input. Too often experiments are done without controlling all three of these criteria making it difficult to have confidence in the results. The culture parameters that can be regulated in the starter system are:
• pH, using pH probe and CO2 injection;
• Temperature, between -2 to 40°C;
• Light intensity from 20 to 1500 µmol photon/s/m2;
• Light/dark cycles, tracking and flashing light.
The cryoPharos PBR™ system is versatile and can be adapted to suit different requirements, for example by adding more 1000 ml PBR tanks, or modifying the types and wavelengths of the LED lights.
If you would like more information or a demonstration of the cryoPharos PBR™ system contact Xanthella at info@xanthella.co.uk