Posted on September 26, 2018
The ASLEE-ENBIO project has been selected as a finalist in the Innovation category of the Scottish Resources Awards 2018.
The awards are part of the Scottish Resources 2-day Conference which is Scotland’s largest event for the promotion of sustainable resource management and circular economy. Selection as a finalist is an excellent opportunity to showcase the ASLEE-ENBIO project and gain recognition for the innovative approach to boosting the local energy economy.
Representatives from ALIenergy and Xanthella will be attending the prestigious award ceremony on Thursday 4th October at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.
Click here for more details and a list of finalists in all categories.
A new Algae Agricultural Act has been introduced to congress in the United States. The bill will give algal farmers the same advantages as farmers of traditional crops. The legislation reflects an increasing recognition of the potential of algae as an extremely useful agricultural crop for future food, feedstocks and the energy sector.
Read the full article
We’re looking forward to attending ALL-Energy this week
2nd and 3rd May at the SEC in Glasgow.
Drop in and say hello, we’ll be at
Stand Number HIE49
in the HIEnergy Pavillion.
Join the conversation @ASLEEproject16
#AllEnergy18 #abplacetob
Xanthella Ltd are thrilled to announce their success as overall winners in the Rural Enterprise and Innovation category at the Scottish Rural Awards 2018. The Scottish Rural Awards are the ultimate benchmark of excellence in Scotland’s countryside – a celebration of the enterprise, innovation, dedication and community spirit of those who live in rural Scotland.
Along with over 400 guests and some of Scotland’s most outstanding rural businesses, representatives from Xanthella’s team attended the evening award ceremony and gala dinner on 22nd March at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh.
Within the ASLEE project Xanthella have developed large scale photobioreactors (Pandora PBR™) that are able to respond to intermittent energy supply and the team is now working on the Energy for the Bioeconomy (ENBIO) project alongside ALIenergy and Woodland Renewables. ENBIO will further exploit the PBR technology and build an industrial scale array of PBRs on the Ardnamurchan Estate. The judges were impressed with the innovative nature of the ASLEE and ENBIO projects and how they integrate algal bioproduction with locally generated renewable electricity, helping to balance the grid, creating a new bioindustry and boosting the rural circular economy by utilising stranded resources.

Innovation is their motivation at the Scottish Rural Awards
Posted on January 31, 2018
ASLEE partner ALIenergy succeeded in putting forward Oban as one of four local communities in the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) area which have been selected through the COBEN (Community Benefits in Civic Energy) project, funded by Interreg North Sea Region Programme, for the development and implementation of a pilot Local Energy Plan.
Work is underway investigating Oban’s energy supply, demand and future potential, including all aspects of electricity, heat and transport.
ALIenergy is currently carrying out community engagement work for this project in Oban to enable all sectors of the local community to participate. Residents can visit the interactive display in Oban Library to have their say and sign up for the virtual focus groups. When completed later this year the Local Energy Plan will form a springboard for local energy projects – aiming for an integrated, whole systems approach as outlined in the Scottish Government’s recently produced Energy Strategy, with maximum local benefit.
For further information go to: and
Check ALIenergy’s Facebook page for up and coming COBEN events.